I Decided to Follow Jesus!
Deciding to follow Jesus means placing your faith in Him and choosing to surrender your life to his love, forgiveness, and Lordship. Your decision to yield your life to Him reveals a desire to passionately pursue a personal relationship with God. Jesus called this decision “Being Born again” (John 1:12-13). We tell God we are sorry for our sins and ask him to change our hearts and transform our lives. He forgives us of sin, mends our eternal separation with God and gives us a place in his family. Essentially, Scripture says He makes all things new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Made a recent decision to follow Jesus Christ? We want to celebrate with you, get you connected and give you some resources to help you.
Made a recent decision to follow Jesus Christ? We want to celebrate with you, get you connected and give you some resources to help you.

Baptism is a very special and exciting step in your faith journey! It is a public statement of your decision to follow Jesus. Baptism symbolizes that our old life, defined by sin, is being put to death (Romans 6:4). When you are raised up out of the water it symbolizes that your new life, defined by what Jesus has done for you, has begun! God instructs believers to be baptized. Your decision to be baptized is an act of obedience to Jesus (Acts 2:38)